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Canada Day Pet Parade


June 29, 2023

Our theme for this years Canada Day Pet Parade is “Mad Hatter’s Canadian Tea Party”. We invite all participants to dress up and join us for the annual parade. On Canada Day, we ask that you continue to take time to reflect, learn, and build our back community stronger. We honour our relationship and connection to the Sts’ailes People and their territory that we live, work, and play here in Harrison Hot Springs. Our Canada Day activities will take place in the heart of Harrison Hot Springs, and on the ancient Village of Qwólts, as part of our Canada Day Celebrations we recommend all attendees reflect and learn and visit Qwólts Park to learn more about Sts’ailes and the ancient Village of Qwólts.


Some changes, mostly for the comfort of our beloved pets on what is usually a hot day:

PRE-REGISTRATION: We would like to have as many entries pre-registered as possible, so that we can estimate the total number of participants, and have presentations ready at the end of the parade. On Canada Day, there will be a check-in table for pre-registered paraders, plus we will accept a limited number of last minute entrants. You may pre-register your pet at [email protected].

PRIZES FOR ALL: There will be no judging this year; instead, each pet will receive a certificate of participation as well as a small surprise provided by local businesses.


Pre-registrations will be accepted until June 2023, at [email protected]. Please be sure to include your name and your pet’s name. You will then be assigned a registration number.

We will muster on the grass at St. Alice Hall (right beside the Harrison Hot Springs Resort) between 10:00 and 10:15 a.m.

The parade is scheduled to begin at 10:30, heading east down the first block of Esplanade Avenue to the Plaza, where certificates and gifts can be collected.

All well-behaved walkers and their secured pets are welcome in the Canada Day Pet Parade. It is not a requirement that pets or walkers be in costume, but this year’s theme is Mad Hatters Canadian Tea Party!

We want you to have fun with this, so please keep things respectful. If you’re not sure and need some feedback, feel free to get in touch with us here at Pet Parade Central.

A number of people receiving this letter will not be participating in the parade, but we will be requiring a few volunteers on Canada Day, before – during – and after the parade, no longer than an hour. Please let me know if you are interested in helping out.

Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. Otherwise, let the fun begin!

The route departs from the St. Alice Hall down TOWARD to the Harrison Hot Springs Resort. From the Harrison Hot Springs Resort, we enter onto the lakefront promenade and head EAST toward the Civic Centre Plaza, the route then detours around the Plaza to enter the Civic Centre Plaza through the wheelchair accessible ramp.

This years Pet Parade is brought to you by:

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